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CED Digest Vol. 7 No. 29 • 7/20/2002 |
20 Years Ago In CED History: July 21, 1982: * In Poland, Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski announces the release of more than 1,200 persons detained under martial law and the easing of travel and communications curbs. * The British government announces that "serious errors and omissions" by the police permitted an intruder to enter the Buckingham Palace bedroom of Queen Elizabeth II on July 9. * Gen. Guido Vildoso Calderon, the army chief of staff, is installed as the president of the ruling junta in Bolivia following the resignation of Pres. Celso Torrelio Villa two days earlier. July 22, 1982: * The White House announces the resignation of Murray L. Weidenbaum as chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisors. * France orders French licensees of U.S. firms to honor all contracts for the Siberian gas pipeline. * Michele Sindona, already serving a 25-year prison sentence in the U.S. for banking fraud, is indicted in Milan, Italy on charges of fraudulent bankruptcy, falsification of records, and violations of Italian finance laws. The charges are related to the 1974 bankruptcy of Banca Privata Italiana. July 23, 1982: * Actor Vic Morrow and two children are killed in a helicopter accident during the filming of a Vietnam War scene in the CED title Twilight Zone - the Movie. * The International Whaling Commission votes to ban all commercial whaling, effective in 1986. * At least 307 people are killed by monsoon rains, floods, and mud slides on the island of Kyushu in Japan. * Future CED titles in widespread theatrical release: The Challenge, Zapped. July 24, 1982: * Researchers announce that a new drug called vermectin can be used to treat onchocerciasis (river blindness), a tropical parasite disease. * Bernard Hinault wins his fourth Tour de France bicycle race. * "Eye of the Tiger" (CED) by Survivor becomes the No. 1 US single. July 25, 1982: * Zail Singh, a loyal ally of Prime Minister Gandhi, is installed as the seventh president of India, a largely ceremonial post. * The U.S. Women's Open with a purse of $27,315 is won by Janet Anderson at the Del Paso CC in Sacramento, California. July 26, 1982: * Actress Betty Walker dies at age 54. She appeared in the CED title Exodus. * Karen Dianne Baldwin of Canada is crowned the 31st Miss Universe. July 27, 1982: * Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi arrives in the U.S. for her first visit in 11 years. During the visit Gandhi and President Reagan agree to a compromise solution over nuclear fuel for India's Tarapur power plant. The agreement prevents India from producing plutonium that could be used for nuclear weapons. * The Reagan administration sends a 48-page document to Congress certifying that El Salvador is making tangible progress on human rights and the implementation of economic and political reforms. Certification every six months is a condition for continued U.S. military aid to El Salvador. * GRID is officially named AIDS by the Center for Disease Control. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Robert Roehm <pbskidvid> Subject: Re:CED Digest Vol. 7 No. 27 To: tom@cedmagic.com Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 18:50:27 -0700 Did you know that it has been 1 year and a week since DIVX expired? Some DIVX DVD players are still able to view DIVX movies for free with a simple hack. The website http://www.the-doa.com would have more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: "Ebay" <jarhead225> To: <digest@cedmagic.com> Subject: Player Problems Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 17:14:08 -0500 I have a few questions about CED players. I recently bought an SJT 090 and an SJT 200 from a flea market. The SJT was missing a belt but worked if you manually put in the disk. The SJT 090 had a belt in it but would not power up. Ive replaced the belt in the SJT 200 model from the 090 but the 090 is in better physical condition. Ive checked the fuse in the 090 and looked at as much of the compnents as possible. None of them seem to be blackened like if they had a power surge or lightning strike. So I wanted to know if you knew of any problems in this series of players that made power not work? Like I said I got the 200 model to work but when I watch the movies I have in some spots the picture looks like multi colored bubbles. and skips in sections. I looked at the disks and they seem fine. Is there anything i can do to the player to make this not happen? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: "James & Ariana Curiel" <jacuriel> To: <digest@cedmagic.com> Subject: CED? Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 00:12:59 -0700 Dear Tom and All, I got back a couple of weeks after flying to Canada, and then driving back with about 190 players and over 5,000 discs. I went to Kirkland Lake, and Ernie Lang and Steve showed me around their town. Was a very cool visit. Very nice people. Good to see honest, decent people in the video business. On the way back, I was detained at Customs in Detroit for five hours. One problem was each person said they had never seen the machines before. They did not know what to make of them or how to assess any value to them. At one point they had the FDA inspect my truck. The officer would not tell me why the FDA had to inspect my truck. Since 9/11 you basically have no rights (You thought this was America, well forget it now. It looks like fascists have won.), so the officers have a lot of power and do what they want. And you the citizen have no rights. Zieg heil mein Kommandante. The FDA finally inspected my truck, and I asked him, the FDA inspector, why he was inspecting my truck. He said they FDA is in charge of anything that has to do with radiation, and that since the machines had lasers, that he had to inspect it. I told them these were Capacitance Electronic Discs, not laserdiscs, and that machines did not have lasers. But the inspector did not take my word for it, he had to look at the machines. He was cool about it, but it was interesting. I think he was genuinely interested in the machines though, and that he wanted to look at them anyway. Anyway, that was an interesting adventure. And now I have a lot more discs and machines at www.CEDcentral.com Just want to let people know that at customs, they don't know how to deal with these machines. And be sure to let them know the FDA does not need to inspect your players. Peace. signed James
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