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CED Digest Vol. 4 No. 51 • 12/25/1999 |
From: "Mark Medley" To: ceds@teleport.com Subject: where to find out of production I.C.s Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 19:15:21 PST I own a Zentih VP2000 machine that has not been working for about 2 years. The sound no longer works, but the picture plays fine. I took it to a local electronics repair shop where I am fairly good friends with the repairer and he said that one of the I.C. chips controling the audio had gone bad. He said that the chip wasn't in any of his catalogs. Does anybody know a source where these or suitable replacements are available? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: "Peter Veach" To: <pete@spbbs.com> Subject: Happy Holidays Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 14:07:19 -0600 Just want to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year. Best wishes for the new millennium. Pete and Amy (N9QZD + xyl) Spare Parts BBS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Help with load door opening on SGT-250 Date: Sat, 25 Dec 99 14:02:23 -0000 From: John Scoleri To: <digest@cedmagic.com> I've been a subscriber since V2 No. 16 (still have all the back issues archived), and I must say the site and regular mailings are indespensible. After years searching for a reasonably priced stereo player with a remote, I purchased a SGT-250. It worked fine the first day, but now when I power it on, the load door doesn't open. It flashes 'L', but the motor does not drive the door opening. When I manually spin the gear to open the door, the motor eventually kicks in and lowers the turntable platform. When I turn the player off, the motor successfully drives the platter return and door closing. I've replaced belts in my old mono players, but this looks to be something which may not be as simple to fix. Anybody have any suggestions? Happy holidays to Tom and all of the CED Digest readers. Thanks- John Scoleri ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 23:33:54 -0800 To: digest@cedmagic.com From: Tom Howe <ceds@teleport.com> Subject: How The Grinch Stole Christmas CED vs. DVD Season's Greetings All: I recently watched the 1999 DVD release of "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" and thought the colors looked really bad, so I did a comparison against the CED release. The colors are often incorrect on the DVD, most notably with the Grinch himself, who is consistently brown throughout instead of the bright green color on the CED. If you have the CED, you can see what I mean by advancing to 20:00 and watching the scene where the Grinch puts his hand to his ear listening for a sound from Whoville. For a few seconds he turns that brown color, possibly because it's at the start of a new reel. This is one case where CED wins when compared side-by-side to DVD. Next year you'll be able to see a movie version of the Grinch from Universal with Jim Carrey in the title role. They have a rather nice animation of the movie poster at the official web site: http://www.grinched.com .:::::::::::... .::::::::::::::::::::. .::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .,uuu ... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: dHHHHHLdHHHHb ....:::::::'` ::::::::::::::::::' uHHHHHHHHHHHHHF .uHHHHHHHHH' ::::::::::::::`. uHHHHHHHHHHHHHP" HHHHHHHHHHH `:::::::::::',dHHuHHHHHHHHP".g@@g J"HHHHHHHHHP 4H ::::::::' u$$$. ".HHHHHHHHP" .,uHP :::::' uHHHHHHHHHHP"",e$$$$$c HHHHHHHF' dHHHHf `````.HHHHHHHHHHP",d$$$$$$$P%C .dHHHP"" JHHHHbuuuu,JHHHHHHHHP",d$$$$$$$$$e=,z$$$$$$$$ee.. "" .HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHP",gdP" ..3$$$Jd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$e. dHHHHHHHHHHHHHHP".edP " .zd$$$$$$$$$$$"3$$$$$$$$c `???""??HHHHP",e$$F" .d$,?$$$$$$$$$$$$$F d$$$$$$$$F" ?be.eze$$$$$".d$$$$ $$$E$$$$P".,ede`?$$$$$$$$ 4."?$$$$$$$ z$$$$$$ $$$$r.,.e ?$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ '$c "$$$$ .d$$$$$$$ 3$$$.$$$$ 4$$$ d$$$$P"`,, """- "$$".`$$" " $$f,d$$P".$$P zeee.zd$$$$$. ze. .C$C"=^" ..$$$$$$P".$$$'e$$$$$P?$$$$$$ .e$$$$$$$"="$f",c,3eee$$$$$$$$P $$$P'd$$$$"..::.."?$% 4d$$$P d$$$dF.d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$f $$$ d$$$" :::::::::. $$$$$$ d$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ J$$",$$$'.:::::::::::: "$$$$$$ ?$$$$ d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P".dP'e$$$$'::::::::::::::: 4$$$$$$c $$$$b`$$$$$$$$$$$P"",e$$",$$$$$' :::::::::::::::: ' ?"?$$$b."$$$$.?$$$$$$P".e$$$$F,d$$$$$F :::::::::::::::::: "?$$bc."$b.$$$$F z$$P?$$",$$$$$$$ :::::::::::::::::::: `"$$c"?$$$".$$$)e$$F,$$$$$$$' :::::::::::::::::::: ':. "$b...d$$P4$$$",$$$$$$$" ::::::::::::::::::::: ':::: "$$$$$".,"".d$$$$$$$F :::::::::::::::::::::: :::: be."".d$$$4$$$$$$$$F ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: "??$$$$$$$$$$?$P" ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: ?$$$$$$$$f .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::`"????"".::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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