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CED Digest Vol. 3 No. 14 • 4/4/1998 |
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 06:15:17 +0300 From: sobel To: Tom Howe <ceds@teleport.com> Subject: advertisement I would like to sell my 650 TITLES with three SKT 400 players with remotes as a package for only $1800 plus shipping. Please write to drilnfil@mailexcite.com for any more information you may require. Thank you ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: ESmith1711 Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 01:37:52 EST To: ceds@teleport.com Subject: post i will trade the following ced's for ANY KISS stuff or old video games (atari, turbo grafx16 etc) wil also consider any other offers. on golden pond, jane fonda workout,as we grow,mary poppins, robin hood (disney),patton disc 2 only,benji,califronia suite. thanks, gene ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Apr 1998 06:31:23 -0800 From: Neil Wagner To: *CED Digest <ceds@teleport.com> Subject: Videodisc History Part 20 >From the March 1982 Popular Science column "Look and Listen" by John Free - Video for Computers ------------------------------------------------------------- Video screens pulsed with color and images. At dozens of booths, people clustered around TV sets, pushing buttons and swiveling joy sticks on control units. They were interacting with and changing the TV pictures. An Asteroids and Space Wars arcade? No. It's what I saw when I stepped into a big auditorium in New York's Madison Square Garden recently. And the entranced videophiles weren't zapping alien spacecraft. They and I were surveying a new crop of interactive videodiscs. Instead of "The God- father" or "The Sound of Music," these LaserVision discs had such memorable programs as how to reduce nearsightedness with surgery, or viewer-controlled tours through the Corning Museum of Glass, a West Coast harbor, or a power plant. These optical videodisc programs are created for computer- ized interaction. The programmable computer is either built into an industrial disc player, such as the Sony LDP-1000 prominent at this Video Expo showcase, or the player's micro- processor is aided by an external computer. Wicat, Inc. (Orem, Utah), for example, was demontrating its new minicom- puter and a medical disc on the gastrointestinal tract. Surrogate-travel discs pulled the biggest crowds. These feature pre-filmed tours of locations. You move through scenes--turning at corners, stopping, shufting into fast for- ward--with computer controls. But schools and many companies are also dicscovering the awesome information-storage poten- tial of videodiscs. Other booths had training and mainten- ance discs, sales discs for GM and Ford, an interactive ency- clopedia, and a disc with 100,000 of the 700,000 U.S. patents issued over the past 10 years. All the disc players used were the laser-scanned, non-con- tact type, capable of freezing TV images. Meanwhile, in Europe, RCA unveiled an advanced version of its player, a home machine designed for grooved, stylus-read discs. The proto- type is capable of accessing program sections by tapping in minutes and seconds on a key pad. Variations of its new machine could also display individual TV frames, say RCA officials. The advanced players are not for sale yet. -- Neil - nw@ix.netcom.com
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